The Homosexual Lobby has become a powerful force in Western World. However, ultimately, this power is not theirs, for , the people with the real power in the world, the Power Elite, have allowed the homosexual activists to garner for themselves what power they have vicariously. If the evil men who control society, the Power Elite, the Global Elite, did not want homosexuals to have this political power they would not have it. Therefore, there is a reason for the sudden rise in the power and expectations of the sodomite.
The reason why the Homosexual Lobby has been gifted such power is this. The Global Elite that control much of the temporal affairs of the world and especially the political process, media and academia of the Corrupt Liberal Democracies that now make up Western Civilisation are the front group for a much darker, concentrated power. Behind this coterie of wealthy and powerful people –the likes of the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds- are a few men who truly control much of the temporal affairs of this world. These very few men are the true Lords of Power on Earth.. Gentle reader, the true temporal power on Earth is not found and exercised in parliaments, senates, and congresses, but in the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies. Moreover, true world power is held by very few men; by a Secret Cabal of Power.
These are the Secret Masters of the Dark Empire of Secret Societies. The Occult Hierarchy, the Black Adepts of the Cult of Evil, which is the ancient Luciferian Priesthood who can claim an ancient lineage of service to Evil going far back in history, back before recorded history began. They are the custodians and guardians of Ancient Plan to Transform Society, which is the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government that intends to set up World Empire and eradicate all human liberty and freedom from the face of the Earth. To do this, they must destroy Natural Moral Order on Earth set in place by the supreme Will of God.
Organised Evil sits at the heart of the dark Empire of Secret Societies and the Occult Hierarchy is at its head. They are main human agents of Evil on Earth and the orchestrators of the Evil Agenda for the establishment of World Government. They are the arbiters of the Ancient, Sinister Plot to Change the World. That is, they orchestrate the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government that is often called the New World Order. In other words, they seek to establish conditions on Earth that will be propitious for the establishment of a World Empire under their direct control, that is, the Last Secular Global Kingdom on Earth, which is the Kingdom of Antichrist on Earth.
The New Age One World Conspirators seek the destruction of what they call the "Old World Order," which is Natural Moral Order on Earth set in place by the supreme Will of God. Hence, for centuries, the Confederacy of Evil has marshalled its hosts, and organised itself for its calculated assault on Natural Moral Order, its assault on the Church of Christ and its assault on Western Civilisation. This ancient assault on Moral Order is multifaceted. It is the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy, the Evil Agenda for the establishment of World Government, called by insiders the "Great Plan."
A major target of Organised Evil is Natural Moral Order. It has to destroy this before they can claim victory on Earth over God. Thus, the Confederacy of Evil marshalled by the Occult Hierarchy, the Black Adepts of the Cult of Evil, the ancient Luciferian Priesthood who are the main human agents of Evil on Earth, has worked ceaselessly to bring moral decay to the world, but especial to the Western World. Chief amongst these strategies to destroy Natural Moral Order and so destroy Western Civilisation is homosexuality.
The Lords of Power on Earth have chosen Homosexuality to be the ''inner foe'' of moral, ordered society. Moreover, they have foisted it upon modern society by a carefully orchestrated strategy. They have empowered, financed and heavily promoted the Homosexual Lobby, the shocktroops of this unholy and immoral assault on Natural Moral Order on Earth.
Sodomite at Mardi GrrasThe ancient interdiction of homosexuality was predicated on Scripture: and especially the condemnation by God that it is as one of the most loathsome sins. The term Sodomite was not only censorious but also damning when used. The grave connotations attached to this term are the main reason why the Homosexual Lobby has vigorously attempted to render its use Politically Incorrect.
The practice of homosexuality is not merely a political concern but a profoundly spiritual concern. Homosexuality is a spiritually deadly condition that threatens, for different reasons, both its zealots and its enemies. It is this capacity to do great evil to a morally ordered society that homosexuality has been used as an instrument of destruction by the dark spiritual forces plotting to destroy Natural Moral Order on Earth. Very wicked men who are the human agents of Evil have actively supported the rise of the Homosexual Lobby by channelling funding from the great "tax exempt foundations" to support the political and ideological assault on Natural Moral Order on Earth. The Homosexual Lobby has been cultivated and empowered by powerful forces that want to use it as an agent of change and the prominent activists as "change agents." This is the function of another great lie called Humanism, which is the Rationalist attack on the faith of religion and of the concept of God and the Incarnation of Christ.
Homosexuality is one of many weapons in the armoury of Evil in its assault on Ordered Creation on Earth. Moreover, it is also fundamental to the wicked and evil strategy of the Confederacy of Evil to collapse Western Civilisation. Hence, their lackeys and Useful Idiots posing as Humanists and Professional Liberals use it to attack Natural Moral Order on Earth. The Humanist and the Professional Liberal in the guise of "social libertarians" have sought to move the argument over the morality of Sodomy out of the philosophical and religious arenas and into the political arena.
The rationalist attacks upon organised religion and the successes of science have left the Churches exhausted and secretly shamed. They have all but given up the fight to stop the Homosexual Agenda from succeeding. The Anglican Church is almost destroyed by the twin threats to moral, ordered society: Feminism and Homosexuality. It is a grave situation indeed.
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