
Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Beast

The Word "Beast" and Scripture

The word 'Beast'

The word "beast" appears throughout English written scriptures and often appears translated as simple "Beast," or "Beast of the Field," or "Beast of the Earth." However, three different Hebrew words are incorrectly translated into the English word BEAST in many Bible Translations, one combined Hebrew word, and one Greek word.


2. The Hebrew word BEHEMA, which means quadrupeds (like cattle);

3. The Hebrew word BEIR which means a BRUTE BEAST.

4. The Hebrew phrase NEPHESH CHAY-AH, means LIVING BREATHERS, it is used, of animals, both aquatic and land, as well as hu-mans (see Gen 1:24; 2:7). The common English translation of "soul" is incorrect-except when taken in the restricted sense of "one being."

5. The Greek word ZOE translated BEAST which means LIVING, LIFE, LIVING CREATURE, is the root of our English word for "Zoo".

In tracing these words through the Scriptures, it is important to note that Scripture speaks of both quadruped (four-footed) beast and biped (two-legged) beasts. If you fail to distinguish between beasts (quadruped) and beasts (biped) in the Scriptures, you have missed the truth. Of primary Importance is the Hebrew word CHAY-AH, which means LIVE, LIVING CREATURE, EARTH LIFE-EARTH DWELLER. This word refers to biped (two-legged) Earth Life "beasts" or in other words a hu-man, or man-kind, as distinguished from the word "Adam" (Man).

It is interesting to note that in all of the following Scriptures we find reference to a BEAST that is biped. A (two-legged) BEAST who can talk, riot, commit adultery, co-habit with man, work in vineyards, use his hands, wear clothing, cry unto his creator and sow his seed with other races. Those who have studied the etymology of this Hebrew word CHAY-AH through the scriptures, under the English word "BEAST", know it is speaking of pre-Adamic mankind! If this truth were known and taught from the pulpits of American churches, it would stop the destructive race towards racial suicide through the mongrelizing (intermingling by miscegenation) of the races.

As you study the following scriptures and provide an honest answer to each question, perhaps the full implications of the incorrectly translated word "BEAST" will become very clear to you.

Was Joel speaking of a "beast" or field hand in Joel 2:22?
What kind of a beast do you know that wears clothing (sack-cloth) as we read in Jonah 3:8?
What kind of a beast has hands as reported in Exodus 19:13?
What type of beast is capable of mixing or "sowing" his seed with the "seed of Adam" as described in Jeremiah 31:27?
What kind of a male beast could a woman lust after and "lie down with" and cause YAHWEH to have them executed in righteous judgment? Leviticus 20:16
What kind of a female beast could a man lust after and cause a penalty of death to be decreed by YAHWEH? Leviticus 20:15
What kind of beast would have the ability to "keep the vineyard" as we find in the Song of Solomon, Chapter 1, who incidentally was Black?
What kind of a beast "cries mightily unto YAHWEH" in Jonah 3:8-10?
What kind of a beast would have "eyes full of adultery", as recorded in 2 Peter 2:12-14?
What kind of beast loves to riot in the daytime? 2 Peter 2:12-14
What kind of a beast can talk or speak? 2 Peter 2:12
What kind of a beast was made to be taken and DESTROYED? 2 Peter 2:12


From these passages it is clear, that the word translated BEAST in many translations, does not refer to a quadruped (4 legged animal). The word clearly refers to Hu-man, Man-kind, a biped (2 legged Hu-man being). It is our understanding of the Hebrew, that this word CHAY-AH, clearly refers to a race of Hu-man beings. It does not refer to the Adamic race, the race of Adam (Man).

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