america: Pedophile Pimp!
What do you think would happen if the FBI or CIA or the Justice Department discovered that thousands of members of a business or professional organization turned out to be running a secret pedophile prostitution ring in the United States? They would thoroughly investigate the matter, arrest all those who were involved, prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law, and execute the sentences passed by the court. Yet, that is exactly what is going on in the Catholic Church, and every law enforcement agency at every level of government has ignored this problem and has treated it as an internal issue of the Catholic Church - such broad and consistent ignorance must be orchestrated at the highest levels of government. The only court cases have been civil cases - suits brought against the Catholic Church by a small number of their victims. The fact that there are thousands of child-molesting criminals walking the streets acting with impunity - in fact, with the swagger of socially-bestowed honor rather than being locked up for their crimes is a sweeping indictment of any nation that enables such a state of affairs. America's leader, George W. Bush, calls for God's blessing of America and leads the charge of an idolatrous orgy of flag worshipping at the hands of his own military and political blunder, yet won't touch a priest for breaking every state's law AND THE BIBLE'S MORAL CODE regarding sexual molestation and homosexuality (Lev. 18:22). Such hypocrisy, along with the rest of his Godless, antichristic counsel, will undoubtedly land Bush, and all who support his policies, in the eternal fires of hell. 'Priests rape boys' is indeed an air-tight, three word case against the United States of America and all of its God-hating, flag-waving workers of iniquity. They are all going to hell!
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