God Is Fire
God is the all-essential and hidden Fire in all things, especially in living things. That Fire generates all things. It has generated them, and will generate them in the future, and that which is generated is the true divine light through all eternity. God is a Fire; but no fire can burn, and no light appear within nature without the addition of air to cause the combustion, and likewise the Holy Spirit in you must act as a divine Air or breath or inspiration, coming out of the divine Fire and fanning the Fire within your soul, so that the Light will appear, for the Light must be nourished by the Fire, and this Light is love and gladness and joy within the eternal FATHER .IF YOU LOVE ME KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS And the power of rule that has been extolled as a magical effect of the Philosopher's Stone lies in the harmonizing of the individual will with that of God's will. In the new birth——we acquire a Joy ; the keys to the kingdom this occurs “through JESUS THE CHRIST For faith puts the world in our power, inasmuch as the harmony of our will with the divine has the result of making everything obedient to HIM YHVH . The will of the life of the Adamic Man when it accords wholly with the divine, is no longer a naked will lacking its raiment, power, but brings with it an invincible omnipotence.,Power of the rebirth, ”
Christ: Light of God's Fire
The Light is Christ, having emanated from eternity through God. He who does not have this Light of consciousness within himself is in the Fire without Light and lives in darkness and dark matter. But if the Light is in a person, THE LIGHT ONLY COMES WITH SURRENDER AND OBEDIENCE TO THE MASTERS VOICE ,LAWS AND His MARK UPON US>> then is divine in him or her, THE TEMPLE When the will bows down to YHVH> All manifested things are in their interior Fire and Light, wherein is hidden the essence of the spirit. Therefore, all things are a trinity of Fire, Light, and Air. In other words, the Great Spirit, the father, is a divine super-essential Light; the Light having become manifest; the Holy Spirit is a divine super-essential Air and motion. The Fire resides within the heart and sends its rays through the whole body of man, causing it to live; but no light is born from the Fire without the presence of the spirit of holiness from which it sprang.
The Breath of HOLY FATHER
So all things have been made by the power of the divine Word, THE FREQUENCY WAS SPOKEN which is the divine spirit or breath that emanated from the divine fountain in the Beginning. This breath is the universal spirit and is called the Spiritus Mundi. It was at first like Air, then contracted into a fog or nebular substance and afterwards became Water. This Water was at first all spirit and life, because it was permeated by and made alive by the spirit. It was dark in its depths, but through the outspoken Word, Light became generated therein, and then the darkness was illumined by the Light, and the earth had its beginning. The spiritual body, which by means of alchemy can be made tangible and visible. But since it exists in an invisible state, therefore is it called spirit.
Spirit of the Universe
This is a universal and living fluid diffused throughout all of Nature that pervades all beings. It is the most subtle of all substances and the most powerful on account of its inherent qualities, penetrating all bodies and causing the manifested forms in which it is active to become alive. By its action, it frees the forms of imperfections and renders the impure pure, the imperfect perfect, and causes that which is mortal to become immortal by becoming fixed therein.
Man has changed the Alchemy Of GOD
THE Need for the AtonementOur God is a holy God, pure and blameless. He cannot abide sin. “Thine eyes are too pure to approve evil, and thou cans’t not look on wickedness with favour...” (Hab. 1:13). Sin is a horrible stain on His Creation. He mustremove both sin and sinful men from His presence. hence, “But your iniq- uities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” (Isa 59:2).Furthermore, Sin not only sepa- rates us from God the source of all POWER, and from one another. Because of sin, men are “alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds...” (Col. 1:21). Consequently, there awaits the unre- pentant sinner only a “certain, terri- fying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries of God...” (Heb. 10:27).Because of sin, the entire earth is cursed (Gen. 3:17) and subjected to futility and longs to be set free from its slavery to corrup- tion (Rom. 8:20-22). Not only are all of Man’s works affected by his sin, but also the very ground he stands on. Sin is a horrible stain on the perfect creation of God. What had been created “very good” has now become filled withcorruption.If our Great God hates sin (“...transgression of the Law...” 1 Jn 3:4) so much, how dare we flirt with temptation? Even worse, how dare we deny our sin, or blame it on someone else or even worse, try to atone for it through our own efforts? Sin is wicked, evil and repugnant and we ought to, yes, hate it and for-sake it even as our God does. Secondly, since there is NO solution for sin apart from Christ’s sacrifice, we must rest and trust in Jesus alone. The Law ought to drive us to our knees in fearful anticipation of the righteous wrath of a holy and awesome God. But then the mercy and grace of God exalts us and He demonstrates His great love even for His unlovely people through the cross. We are now new creations, with a new life, future and hope. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Cor 5:17). We now have a whole new way of living, a new way of thinking because Jesus made atone-ment for our sins.And therefore the Atonement ought then to make uslove our God in response. As a result of His sacrifice for us, how can we not then give back to Him everything? Our time, money, family, calling, everything we have comes from Him and has been redeemed by Him. Therefore we can say with David, “How do I love thy Law? It is my med- itation all the day....”Only by grace can the mercy of God be given, only by grace can the mercy of God be received. “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20).
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